Friday, December 14, 2012

Final + redos

This is a redo of the colored shaded shapes.

This is a redo of the t-shirt design project.

This is a redo of the movie poster project.

This is a redo of the line art coloring project.

This is my final project: a matte painting.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Assignment 5 - Colored Line Art (Spiderman)

This is the original line art. I originally wanted to color one of my own drawings, but none of them turned out as well as this one did in color.

This is the final colored version. The percise colors of the highlights and shadows are hard to tell in the final picture but are easier to see in the layered version of the document.
I hold no claim to this piece of line art, only to this colored version of them

Friday, October 5, 2012

Assignment 3

These are some posters that inspired me

These are the four thumbnail ideas I came up with for the project.

This is the final poster

Assignment 2- Design a T-Shirt

These are the thumbnails of the two ideas which were floating around in my head while searching for images.
This is my final design.

Assignment 1